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For some it takes brilliance to achieve success. Sometimes it takes courage, or hard work. And sometimes it just takes being in the right place at the right time. 

Beauty, by definition, is "a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially in sight." So we are ievitable conditioned the link beauty with physical apperance. As ayoung woman, and human, I find this practice insulting. 

This is a story about family and the importance of reconnecting with each other. It’s a story about second chances and taking the time to get it right when you get the chance. It tells a story about love, falling in and out of it, letting go and holding on. We are all going to pass on, but while we’re still here, we need to celebrate the life we lead and change the parts that make us unhappy. Because in the end, all we have is what we leave behind. 

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